Today, 21 June 2021 marks the Summer Solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere. The longest day and the first day of Summer. Although it's feeling rather cold today here in North Devon, the solstice is a perfect time to give thanks for the warmth and light we are blessed with at this time of year.
Summer is considered to be the most active and outward season - with the most 'yang' energy. In Chinese Philosophy, the summer season is associated with the colour red, the sound of laughing, the heart organ and the fire element.
Ideas to celebrate include:
balance your fire element by going swimming (if you swim in the ocean or a river please swim with a companion and practice open water safety!)
Wear red
Practice a heart-opening yoga sequence (loads of these on You Tube!)
Laugh :)
spend some time in nature, and give thanks for all of the abundance and beauty our planet offers to us
Wishing you all a wonderful Solstice today
With love
P.s. The painting is called 'All Dreams' and is inspired by Saunton Beach, North Devon. The original is currently in a competition, but I've had it professionally photographed and will be organising limited edition prints of the image. There will only be 50 prints available, and I promise to let you know first when they are ready xx