I'm so excited to share with you my very first interview! I spoke to Pyran Trythall, Editor of the Curve Magazine about my love of North Devon and all it has inspired me to be.
Although I wish I had articulated a less generic description for the glimmering, vast, wild and beautiful Atlantic Ocean, I'm proud of the authenticity of this piece. I hope you enjoy the insights!
Watch the video here:
Amy Jobes and the Devonshire Dream
It was such a treat to being asked to reflect on our experiences living on the North Devon Coast, and the sequence of happenings that led us to spend our lives here.
And it highly amused me that our guinea pig Henry well and truly stole the show! I had pleaded with Pyran for him not to be mentioned so pretty hilarious!
Henry the guinea pig
You can read the full interview on The Curve Magazine website
With a direct link to the interview here: Amy Jobes and the Devonshire Dream
The Curve Magazine is a new online arts magazine dedicated to finding new artists. Get ahead of the curve on instagram here: The Curve Magazine Instagram @thecurvemag_