Anyone else fed up with Black Friday emails? I know I am.
They do have their use though, I use the event as an opportunity to unsubscribe from all of the companies I don't want to hear from again!
That said. Thank you so much for being here with me!!
If you're looking for the code I won't keep you waiting: it's COLOUR20 and gives you a very generous 20% off ALL of my limited edition prints
Offer expires Midnight on Sunday 26 November
Welcome to COLOUR Friday!
Here to inject a little colour into your life and maybe some inspiration and magic too ✨
I hope you agree that these emails are a little different. It's currently just moi at the helm of Amy Jobes Art, and unlike the huge faceless enterprises, I genuinely do a real happy dance each time an order comes through (yes really).
I know it's not Friday yet, but I've been working my little socks off to get this to you before I promote this on social media.
Some of the prints only have two editions left and I wouldn't want you to miss out!
Use the code COLOUR20 for your 20% discount
Offer expires Midnight on Sunday 26 November
If you're missing the beaches and want to treat yourself with some vibrant artwork to brighten up your home please take a look through my collection.
All of my limited editions are highly collectable, with small edition runs, ranging from 50 to a tiny 5 editions! All personally named and signed by myself, and each print comes with a signed certificate of authenticity.
Use the code COLOUR20 for your 20% discount
Of course they make very special gifts too! If you know someone who's soul is elevated by the ocean breeze then a limited edition print would make a very special gift indeed.
Green Friday
While we are on the topic of colours and Fridays, have you heard of Green Friday? This is an incentive that just about ticks every box in my values collection.
It's all about:
💚Getting active and healthy, having fun and being out in nature
💚Spending time with friends and family
💚Giving, sharing and investing in others and worthwhile causes
What's not to love?! Read all about Green Friday now
That's all from me for now! Remember in this world with so much doom and gloom, choosing to live your life in a joyful way is an act of courage in itself.
A smile is contagious, and if you keep your vibration and energy high it will overflow onto others, lifting them up in the process.
Thank you as always for reading

P.s. If you are looking for something extra-special, I have added some beautiful original pieces to my website shop. If you would like to know more about any of these please contact me